What difference does it make that there are so many nice Muslims? Well, some of the nicest people I have ever met were Muslims. They must be appreciated for the fine human beings they are. Yet, their goodness cannot save their ideology. It cannot save who Mohammed was, for he was a violent, bloodied warrior. From the grave he encourages not just an "eye for an eye" or the segregation of Muslims from inferior non-believers. No, from the grave, his and Allah's words and deeds encourage, command, even demand that Muslims offensively spread their ideology and treat non-believers as third class citizens or garbage to be destroyed. The Muslims we love do not follow these edicts because of the goodness in their hearts, (as well as because their doctrine, in its unique "Mecca/Medina" duplicity, says they can be peaceful for a time). But, so many other Muslims do obey the call to violence. Most Germans who joined Nazi party were nice and never hurt anyone, but the ideas behind Naziism were still evil.
Pick your Creator over the eons: Yahweh, Jesus, Confucius, Buddha; they neither committed nor commanded violence toward others. Mohammed killed 100s & commanded more subjugating and killing of non-believers for eternity until all on Earth worship Allah, i. e. god as he defined it (The deceiver, Q 3:54, who hates unbelievers, Q 30:45). In verse Q 3:45, some argue that the word is not deceiver, but planner. That "If this is for a good purpose, it is good; and if this is for a bad purpose, it is bad." However, the ends do not justify the means (a typical Islamic principle) and the arabic word makr still carries "secretive" overtones. More important, there are many other verses about the benefits of deceitfulness in the Trilogy.
1600 years ago, every major religious group around world had adopted a peaceful creator or prophet. Then came the violent supremacist haters of unbelievers, Mo & Allah ruining earth. The biggest problem for Islam is not just its violence, but it duplicity. Islam has two things to say about everything except its own supremacy. Each Muslim picks the truth that works in the moment: Mecca/peace or Medina/violence. Thus, they get to play God. It's blasphemous.
In many ways, Islam can be summarized as follows: 1) "I am righteous, you are not. I make temporary alliances with lesser infidels to kill greater infidels, then reassess those earlier alliances," and 2) The scales of justice: "If I kill one person, it is very bad...but if I also save two people's lives, I will still go to paradise." So much for aspiring to perfection, peace and God's gracious accepting love. Too much judgment. Too much focus on offensive politics. if Muslims do not like the violence, they should reject Mohammed and his "Jihad in the way of Allah." To those who learn of Mohammed's violence and do not reject him, know you are contributing to the problem and you will be dealt with by the non-Islamist world accordingly.
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