Friday, March 25, 2016


The fear of Islam seen throughout our planet is a logical response to decades of Islam's increasingly violent religious bigotry compounded by so many people's inability to understand, accept, and address the issue. Fear of Islamophobia is causing those who do not understand Islam to defend it and even attack those who do not like the violence Islam successfully creates.

Muslims are the ones on the offense, especially since the re-formation of the Califate in 2014 by ISIS. To assert that millions of people are errant Islamophobes is labelling, exceedingly arrogant, dangerous, and either uneducated or deceitful.
If you have not read the trilogy of Islam, surely you must. Otherwise, you have absolutely no business forming any opinion on the world's biggest problem. Plainly, these books are disgustingly violent, bigoted, and duplicitous, as was Mohammed who the books say was the perfect Mulim and must be imitated.
Islam is not a race or a person. It is a set of ideas. Muslims do not define Islam. Islam is defined by the words of the Quran and the Sunnah. Islam defines what it is to be a Muslim. If you are not a Muslim and you find the violence prescribed throughout the Islamic trilogy offensive and non-pluralistic, then stop defending or apologizing for it. If you are a Muslim and you do not like what you read in the Quran and Sunnah, find a new path and a new prophet. To continue the charade that you are a Muslim when you do not like the violence prescribed by Islam and exemplified by Mohammed is to be part of the world's biggest problem. To remain a Muslim or sympathetic with Islam is to show either ignorance or malicious intent.

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