A clear and true statement regarding the Organization for Islamic Cooperation by the brave and admirable Deborah Weiss of www.vigilancenow.org.
See her quick video and share:
Read her book here:
And, most importantly, do something about it. Get involved with an organization in an effort to confront the monster that is political Islam. It is not just America, the West, or Christians and Jews who must wake up and become informed. It is all who do not want to live exactly as Mohammed did. The Islamic doctrine is "The Curse that Keeps on Taking." Generation after generation. There are hundreds of millions of people who subscribe to a clear and simple interpretation of the Islamic text who want the barbaric Sharia and Islam imposed on the world. Sharia has a thousand camel's noses that it can stick into the tents of pluralism and freedom of speech. It is happening all around you today.
Though this is a battle of ideas, eventually violence will be required to deal with the proponents of Sharia because violence and lies are divinely sanctioned throughout Islam's doctrine. For true Islam, the end of advancing Islam justifies any means. It must be seen for what it is. It must be stopped.
Ban Islam.
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